Rapid Technical Review
Manuscripts can be rejected at the peer-review stage due to various reasons such as poor manuscript structure, a weak argument, or other factors authors may overlook while preparing their manuscripts. Under the Rapid Technical Review service, our expert reviewers, all of whom have a keen understanding of the publication process, review your paper to flag most major reasons for rejection so that you can address the issues even before you submit to the journal of your choice. All of this within a rapid turnaround time, allowing you to revise your manuscript and still meet aggressive publication deadlines.
This service includes:
Comprehensive and objective evaluation
Our experts review your manuscript and provide you with an incisive and detailed assessment report. The report covers all aspects of your manuscript, from study design evaluation to commentary on the literature review.
Specific technical
Our experts have published and peer-reviewed papers in major journals, and are highly competent and knowledgeable. They use this experience to provide you with specific technical input to help you improve the overall quality of your manuscript.
Easy to implement recommendations to improve your manuscript
An evaluation is most successful only when it is coupled with relevant suggestions for improvement. Our experts do not stop at reviewing your manuscript critically. For every problem identified, they also recommend a corrective action. This allows you to make necessary changes and meet your submission deadline.